Hoffman Appointed Chair of Transportation Lawyers Association Special Task Force for Strategic Planning

The President of the Transportation Lawyers Association (TLA) appointed Ken Hoffman to Chair the Association’s newly-established Special Task Force for Strategic Planning. John Wilcox is also a member of the Task Force. It is expected to address the following issues, and possibly others, on behalf of TLA:

  1. Membership: (a) growth opportunities  (b) international outreach
  2. Technology
  3. Sponsorships, Advertisements and Exhibits
  4. Communication to the membership 
  5. Engagements with affiliates
  6. Live streaming at annual conferences, Chicago Regional and TLI
  7. How to better promote the TLA webinars
  8. Larger industry media coverage
  9. Governance Structure
  10. Diversity considerations

Ken is a Past-President of the TLA, and Dysart Taylor has had more of its attorneys serve as President of the Transportation Lawyers Association (“TLA”) than any other law firm. Six Dysart Taylor attorneys have served as President of TLA, which is the most prominent association of transportation attorneys in North America. In addition, John Wilcox is currently an officer of TLA, and will be President in 2020.

Contact Ken Hoffman at or 816-931-2700.