Blog Posts
Paycheck Protection Program Loan Help: Our PPP Loan Is Under $2 Million. We’ve Got Absolutely Nothing to Worry About, Right? Well, Not Exactly.
May 27, 2020 By H. Joseph Price, Jr. Let’s begin with last month’s Small Business Administration (SBA) drama to understand this month’s SBA drama. April 23 On April 23, the SBA updated the answer to one of its frequently asked questions – FAQ #31, to be exact – which...
Planning in the Pandemic: How Am I Going to Raise Some Cash to Get Through the Next Few Months?
May 12, 2020 By H. Joseph Price, Jr. If you find yourself in need of additional funds during this pandemic, Congress has made one source more available – if you are fortunate enough to have an account balance in your retirement plan and your plan has adopted the new...
Lessons Learned from the Pandemic
May 6, 2020 By H. Joseph Price, Jr. How many of us are waking up each day during this lockdown and thinking “When in the [bleep] are things going to return to normal?” I think it may be more useful to try to figure out if we have learned any lessons from this unique...
Is It Too Late for Me to Set Up an Asset Protection Trust?
April 27, 2020 By H. Joseph Price, Jr. For new readers, the answer to the above question will be, “What is an asset protection trust?” For longtime readers, the answer will be, “Oh yeah, now I remember that you told me that I should set up an asset protection trust...
OSHA Issues COVID-19 Return-to-Work Guidance for Retail, Construction, Manufacturing and Package Delivery Industries
April 24, 2020 By Anne E. Baggott Businesses in retail, construction, manufacturing and package delivery should review recently issued industry-specific guidance from Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) as shelter-at-home orders...
OSHA Issues COVID-19 Guidance for Employers Returning to Work
April 23, 2020 By Anne E. Baggott As many states and municipalities allow businesses to reopen and return to work, employers should prepare to keep employees safe during the novel coronavirus pandemic. The Occupational and Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)...
CARES Act: Employee Relief Funds and Disaster Relief Payments
April 6, 2020 By Joe Price If you want to provide financial assistance to an employee who has suffered hardship as a result of COVID-19, what is the most beneficial way to do that? If you only care about the recipient’s income tax situation, how would you proceed?...
CARES Act – SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program
April 3, 2020 By John Thompson, Joe Price and Anne Baggott On April 2, 2020, the Small Business Administration (SBA) released its Interim Final Rule regarding the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) provisions of House Bill 748, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic...
FFCRA Recordkeeping Requirements Clarified in DOL Temporary Rule
April 1, 2020 By Anne E. Baggott On April 1, 2020, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued a temporary rule with additional guidance for compliance with the coronavirus-related paid leave benefits for employees under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act...
DOL Issues Temporary Rule for Small Business Exemption to Coronavirus Paid Leave Benefits
April 1, 2020 By: Anne E. Baggott On April 1, 2020, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued a temporary rule that provides guidance to small businesses that want to opt out of the coronavirus-related paid leave benefits for employees under the Families First...