Ketchum Leads Presentation on Creating Crises for Opposing Counsel at USLAW Women’s Connection

Amanda Pennington Ketchum will attend the USLAW NETWORK Women’s Connection Conference June 2 – 4 in Nashville, TN. The theme of the conference is “Strong Voices in Times of Crisis – Facing Adversity and Succeeding.” She will serve as the co-leader of a presentation entitled, “Wrecking Ball: Causing a Crisis for Your Opponent.” 

This is the description of her presentation: “Crises don’t just happen to the good guys. Part of our jobs as company representatives and attorneys is to provide a thoughtful and aggressive defense to our clients. Often the best defense involves a good offense and an opportunity to aim the wrecking ball at your adversary’s case. This panel examines strategies that can cause a crisis for your opponents and gain you the advantage you need to achieve a desirable settlement or win at trial.”

Contact Amanda Pennington Ketchum at or 816-931-2700.