Bevan Writes Article in USLAW Magazine on Cybersecurity for Insurance Companies
Kent Bevan wrote an article that appeared in the Spring/Summer 2018 edition of USLAW Magazine. The article is entitled, “A Clear and Present Danger – How Insurance Companies Can Protect Themselves from Online Threats with Cybersecurity.”
“Cybersecurity is a serious issue that insurers face. The sooner that insurers address the potential for security breaches within their organizations, the more likely they are to prevent problems from occurring in the first place. In fact, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) says, “Recent high-profile data breaches have led regulators to work toward strengthening insurer defenses against attacks.” In late 2014, the NAIC Executive Committee appointed the Cybersecurity Working Group to serve as the central focus for insurance regulatory activities related to cybersecurity.”
Click here to read the article.