October 12, 2021
Dysart Taylor director Michael Judy presented a case study demonstrating how seemingly minor cases can develop into major litigation resulting in high exposure to motor carriers and their insurers at the Kansas Motor Carriers Association’s annual convention on September 23 in Wichita, Kansas.
His two presentations, Nuclear Verdict Case Study Part 1 and Part 2, are part of an ongoing series regarding nuclear verdicts and how companies can protect themselves in litigation. Judy shared the facts – after changing key details – from one of his recent cases and explained how it could have resulted in a high-dollar verdict or settlement if the client and its insurer did not implement the risk management and litigation strategies Judy recommended.
He discussed ways to mitigate this risk through early case investigation, risk management recommendations and litigation strategies. Judy also provided tips on working with lawyers defending these cases to ensure that the company is protecting its interests.
In his practice, Judy defends trucking companies and their drivers against personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits, advises transportation industry clients on key aspects of their business and guides clients to favorable results in defending claims against large and small entities at the local, regional and national level.
Contact Michael Judy at mjudy@dysarttaylor.com or (816) 714-3031 with any questions.