April 9, 2021
Dysart Taylor is pleased to announce associate Anne Lindner Saghir was recently featured in the April issue of the Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association’s KC Counselor. She was featured along with three Kansas City peers in the monthly Member Connection spotlight.
Each month, the KCMBA asks a few select members to share their experiences around a specific topic for the monthly KC Counselor magazine. In the April issue, Lindner Saghir and three other attorneys shared fond memories of KCMBA’s Bench-Bar & Boardroom Conference (BBBC).
In her Q&A, Lindner Saghir states, “I met so many great people who practice in Kansas City whose paths I never would have crossed if not for KCMBA’s BBBC. Being somewhat new to practicing in Kansas City it really was a great chance for me to meet people and put some names to faces.”
View the full Member Connection spotlight here.
In her practice, Lindner Saghir focuses on personal injury litigation and insurance matters, and she guides businesses through all aspects of litigation and dispute resolution. Contact Lindner Saghir at asaghir@dysarttaylor.com or 816-714-3021.