Welcome to our COVID-19 (coronavirus) resources page. Below are links to blog posts and other resources our attorneys have authored specifically related to COVID-19. Additionally, Dysart Taylor is a member of USLAW NETWORK, an international organization of nearly 100 independent, defense-based law firms. Additional resources can be found on USLAW’s COVID-19 resources page.
October 23 | Anne Baggott | Answers to Common Employment Questions: WFH to RTW
October 14 | Don Lolli | New Missouri 2020 Rules for Absentee Voting
July 27 | Kent Bevan | Mediation During COVID-19 and Beyond
July 9 | Joe Price | What If the Coronavirus Doesn’t Magically Disappear? Essential Planning During the Pandemic
June 26 | Joe Price | Joe Price Joins Kauffman Foundation Entrepreneurial Recovery Panel
June 17 | Joe Price | Decision Time With Your PPP Loan: Eight or 24 Weeks?
June 15 | Joe Price | What’s Keeping You Sane? Our Readers Share With Us
June 11 | Joe Price | The New Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act Helps a Lot of Borrowers. But Does It Help You?
June 11 | Joe Price | Important Changes Made to the Paycheck Protection Program
June 9 | Michael Judy | Michael Judy Authors COVID-19 Force Majeure Compendium for USLAW
June 5 | Lee Brumitt, David Buffo and Ben Stringer | Tips for Getting Back to Work During the Pandemic
June 2 | Joe Price | The Most Important Things to Do Before Your PPP Covered Period Is Over
May 28 | Joe Price | Price Featured in Kansas City Business Journal on PPP Loans
May 27 | Joe Price | Paycheck Protection Program Loan Help: Our PPP Loan Is Under $2 Million. We’ve Got Absolutely Nothing to Worry About, Right? Well, Not Exactly.
May 12 | Joe Price | Planning in the Pandemic: How Am I Going to Raise Some Cash to Get Through the Next Few Months?
May 6 | Joe Price | Lessons Learned from the Pandemic
April 24 | Anne Baggott | OSHA Issues COVID-19 Return-to-Work Guidance for Retail, Construction, Manufacturing and Package Delivery Industries
April 23 | Anne Baggott | OSHA Issues COVID-19 Guidance for Employers Returning to Work
April 6 | Joe Price | Employee Relief Funds and Disaster Relief Payments
April 3 | Anne Baggott, John Thompson and Joe Price | CARES Act – SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program
April 1 | Anne Baggott | FFCRA Recordkeeping Requirements Clarified in DOL Temporary Rule
April 1 | Anne Baggott | DOL Issues Temporary Rule for Small Business Exemption to Coronavirus Paid Leave Benefits
April 1 | John Wilcox and Ben Stringer | The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act: Impacts on the Transportation Industry
March 26 | Anne Baggott | Federal Stimulus Package Update: Unemployment Assistance for Employers and Employees
March 19 | Anne Baggott | Emergency Paid Leave Law for Employers Effective April 1, 2020
March 17 | Firm Announcement – COVID-19