COVID, H. Joseph Price, Jr., News, Tax
June 26, 2020 Dysart Taylor shareholder/director Joe Price served as a panelist on June 25 in a virtual event hosted by the Kauffman Foundation titled “Entrepreneurial Recovery after COVID-19: Knowledge Base and Moving Forward in the United States.” Price presented on...
Blog Post, COVID, H. Joseph Price, Jr., Media, Tax
June 17, 2020 By Joe Price If you have been keeping up with the Paycheck Protection Program or (PPP) you know that on June 3, the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020 (PPPFA) made some significant changes to the program. In general, the changes have...
Alert, Blog Post, COVID, H. Joseph Price, Jr., Media
June 15, 2020 By H. Joseph Price, Jr. After publishing my recent blog post, Lessons Learned from the Pandemic, a few readers reached out and asked us to find out what is keeping everyone sane during this time. So, we asked readers to share the activities they’ve been...
Blog Post, COVID, H. Joseph Price, Jr., Media, Tax
June 11, 2020 By Joe Price Note: A number of terms and concepts are not explained below because they were covered in a recent article, The Most Important Things to Do Before Your PPP Covered Period Is Over. Prior to June 5, borrowers of Paycheck Protection Program...
Blog Post, COVID, H. Joseph Price, Jr., Tax
June 11, 2020 By Joe Price You may already be aware of this, but in case you have more interesting things going on in your life, let me announce that on June 5, President Trump signed a bill passed by the House on May 28 and by the Senate on June 3 – the sorely needed...
Article, COVID, Lee B. Brumitt, Media
June 5, 2020 By Lee B. Brumitt, David M. Buffo and Benjamin J. Stringer States across the nation are lifting stay-at-home orders and allowing businesses to reopen and employees to return to work. While for many this has brought a sense of relief, for businesses and...