July 16, 2020

Dysart Taylor shareholder/director John F. Wilcox, Jr., who was elected president of the Transportation Lawyers Association in April, authored his first President’s Message in the July edition of The Transportation Lawyer

In his letter, Wilcox acknowledges the drastic changes resulting from the pandemic and shutdown – including the TLA’s flagship event being canceled – but reminds members to find the positive, saying, “If there is a silver lining in the COVID-19 disaster, it is that we have been given a stark reminder of what jobs and professions are truly essential. 

During this crisis, we have all been reminded of the crucial role workers in the transportation industry play. I am proud to represent an industry that has been on the front line in delivering everyday necessities as we struggle to overcome the virus and its effects on our health, economy and way of life.”

With an eye to the future, Wilcox outlines the goals of his TLA presidency, including the announcement of the “We’re All In!” campaign, which asks each member to step up to the plate in his or her own way to become more active and involved. This could include recruiting new members, assisting in retaining current members, writing for the magazine and participating in conferences and webinars.

Wilcox concludes his letter with a positive sentiment, stating, “I am confident that, if we all work together, the TLA will emerge from this crisis stronger than ever. It is critical for the TLA to be creative in demonstrating the value it provides and in keeping its members engaged. During the year ahead, do not hesitate to contact me with your thoughts and ideas as we move forward in these unprecedented times.”

For more than 20 years, Wilcox has represented clients in the trucking industry, advising motor carriers, drivers, 3PLs, shippers, manufacturers and governmental entities in wrongful death, serious personal injury and property claims.

Read Wilcox’s full President’s Message in the July 2020 edition (Vol. 22, No. 1) of The Transportation Lawyer.

Contact John Wilcox at jwilcox@dysarttaylor.com or 816-931-2700.